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  • Writer's pictureAnshuman Arya





"Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere; and in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself." - Wise person

Our lives are often compared to roads, paths and journeys, intertwined with stops and pauses along the way, where we are meant to just lose our selves in the beauty of all of existence and appreciate how far we have come. Along this path, which individuals take for themselves, arises a gathering of souls, new and ancient; a calling to something bigger than us, a cause and effect; a certain mindfulness that leads one to inherently value their own capacities and potential to bring joy to the world and take a stance. A stance, which one could not have otherwise fathomed in the confines of the cages they build around themselves.

There come moments like these, where we are showered with blessings from a universal pool of cleansing energy, where signs symbolically reveal to us that a significantly pivotal moment has arrived; that we have arrived. Time speeds up and slows down all at once. We are drawn into a cascade of new experiences from which we derive the core of our very being. Within ourselves, we are left swimming in an ocean of our thoughts, yet, never feeling alone. We break free. We rise above. We connect. We disconnect. We recharge. We refresh.

I have discovered from my own travelling experiences and those of my fellow wanderers, that life cannot be seen in all its humbling glory unless you move. There is an enchanting and invigorating idea about travel that I cannot help but be fascinated by every time I step outside the confines of the four walls I call home. I actively seek. I passively ponder. The places and the faces keep changing and this change of scene is what makes me addicted to pursue the quest for freedom, hope and love and the magnanimous force that we call humanity. It makes me feel connected to the planet we inhabit and my sense of belonging is rekindled. There is unexplored beauty all around and that inspires me endlessly.

Motion through space affects the passage of time. As the earth kisses the moon, as the sun warms the soul, as the heavens sprinkle stardust upon us, I cherish each moment, I flow like a stream and I blow away my indecisions and doubts into the wind. Like a solemn and sure promise, I look forward and I take the first step of many more. I set sail. I fly. I dream. I hope. I breathe. I release.


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