Anshuman AryaFeb 13, 20241 min readUnpacking the Phenomenon: How Gorillaz Navigate Convergence in the Music IndustryGORILLAZ | A CASE STUDY IN CONVERGENCE ANSHUMAN ARYA 15993 AD1112 SUBMISSION CODE: PR WORD COUNT: 2100 DATE: 25/01/2013
Anshuman AryaFeb 13, 20241 min readThe Use of Infrasound: Exploring its Potential as a Non-Lethal WeaponInfrasound: An evaluation of its potential application as a non-lethal weapon By Anshuman Arya Word Count: 3800 Submitted to SAE...
Anshuman AryaFeb 13, 20241 min readAesthetics and Artistry: Comparing a 19th Century Thangka Painting to a 21st Century Video Gameby Anshuman Arya 15993 AD1112 SAE OXFORD WORD COUNT : 3800 25 March 2013 Associating Indo Tibetan Thangka Artwork with the videogame...